ATHENA International is All New!
Here is what we are doing, why we are doing it and what it means for YOU…
Much like the rest of the world, we at ATHENA International have entered a brand new paradigm. Though we have been a pioneer in developing, supporting and honoring women leaders and those who support them for over 35 years, the scope of what is required to successfully navigate this new global topography has changed significantly over this past year-and-a-half. Now more than ever, the current time requires all of us to acknowledge and embrace our own unique leadership qualities, stand strongly in our voices and truly lead the change we wish to see in the world. ATHENA International is answering this pivotal call to action by exponentially improving our accessibility, delivery method and amount of content made available to our brilliant community. We have leveled-up our offerings, expanded our value and enhanced our tested, our trusted model to meet women and their allies anywhere they stand right now along their leadership journey—to both help them skillfully navigate our current climate, and also mindfully lead us into a better future. We at ATHENA International intimately understand that when we uplift women, we help lift entire communities. A rising tide lifts all boats…and women are that tide.
To best serve the vital need for authentic, diverse and inclusive leadership across all genders, in both public and private sectors, ATHENA International is offering the ability to subscribe to a community that will put virtual and in-person life-and-leadership-changing opportunities and content only one click away.
Like many organizations, the impact of COVID was felt across our entire enterprise. Local community award programs were cancelled or delayed and ATHENA International in-person events had to be postponed. On the positive side, the urgent evolution into virtual programming allowed us to expand our Becoming ATHENA Leadership Program, create unique award events and open up connections we would not have found in our traditional structure.
Through this journey, we have learned a great deal: We have learned that the ATHENA Leadership Model resonates with anyone who encounters it; we have learned that our programs, based upon the Model, have been repeatedly reported as life changing; we have learned that women are looking for connection, growth and opportunity inside a supportive environment; and that everything we have learned from our inimitable legacy of women leaders and award recipients has prepared us to help bring an essential balance to the leadership voices worldwide—especially during these unprecedented times of pandemic, economic upheaval, and worldwide movements for racial and economic justice.
Offering the ability to subscribe to ATHENA International allows us to reach each individual calling for change, improvement and transformation within their life and leadership. Becoming part of our ATHENA International community will bring considerable benefit to both organizations who wish to partner with us, and the individuals they would like to sponsor, encourage and empower with our content, programming and events.
If you are an organization or affiliate hosting events or awards, your base subscription cost will remain the same. However, what you receive above and beyond is now enhanced by all of the added benefits we have built into our subscribership. These added benefits can be customized to meet your local community needs—inquire below. We now have the ability to connect thousands of nominees and recipients from across the globe using our ATHENA Connects networking platform. This hub is the epicenter of communication between like-minded, like-hearted leaders all over the world. It offers resources, forums, and a connection point to exchange ideas regarding how to give back to your local community and make a positive, measurable impact in your personal and professional life. This, as well as a unique, varied and valuable menu of services and offerings makes our new business structure so much better for our own community as well as those we serve.
We have often been asked, “how can I get involved with ATHENA?” We haven’t always had an easy answer to that question based on our previous structure…But, NOW WE DO!
If you have questions for us, please contact us here and we will connect with you. You are not alone in your leadership journey. ATHENA International is here for you in a new and powerful way. Join our community of empowerment NOW!